Why I Host With Flywheel

Over in my Facebook group, I was asked the following question: “Just wondering, any reason you like Flywheel for hosting above others? They are pretty darn expensive.”

Since part of my Website in a Box for virtual bookkeepers onboarding process is to set up new clients with a hosting account with FlyWheel, I’ll share my 3 reasons for choosing this company over others.

3 Reasons why I host with Flywheel

I believe that website hosting is an area where it makes sense to pay for a premium option. It’s true that Flywheel is significantly more expensive than other hosting companies you may be familiar with (BlueHost, Dreamhost, GoDaddy, etc.). While these cheaper hosting companies are often highly recommended in the online community because of their high commission affiliate programs, the low cost often results in poor performance, security, and support.

1. Flywheel = Premium Performance

Every second counts when a visitor is waiting for your landing page to load. Slow page speeds lead to poor user experience. Stats show that your conversions drop for every second longer your visitor has to wait and nearly half of all visitors will leave a desktop site if the page doesn’t load within 2 seconds.

Flywheel’s servers are specifically optimized for WordPress to ensure lightning-fast, reliable site performance which is great for search engine optimization (SEO). Google loves fast websites!

2. Flywheel = Premium Security

Flywheel uses dedicated hosting which means your website isn’t sharing resources (and risks) with other website owners. Shared hosting companies like those previously mentioned above, “house” multiple websites under one roof.

This opens you up to security risks. Imagine that you live in an apartment building and your next-door neighbor accidentally starts a fire. Since all of the units are housed together, the fire quickly spreads from one unit to the next – including yours.

Shared website hosting works the same way. Another website owner forgetting to do routine website maintenance opens their site up to hackers and malware which can quickly spread to your website and everyone else’s website on that shared server.

Think of Flywheel more like a single-family home out in the country. You aren’t sharing any resources or security risks with others. This helps keep your website secure.

3. Flywheel = Premium Support

The Flywheel team is made up of WordPress experts that you can easily get a hold of.

I’ve heard the horror stories of bookkeepers struggling to get a hold of QBO’s customer support and have experienced the same trying to get support troubleshooting websites on behalf of clients with shared hosts so I understand how frustrating it can be to deal with long wait times and less than helpful support agents.

I don’t want any of my clients (past or present) to experience that so it’s reassuring for me to know that even if they choose to manage their own website after we launch, they will be able to quickly be connected with a WordPress expert that goes above and beyond the bare minimum.

If you have any questions about Flywheel or website hosting in general, post them in my Facebook community and I’ll help point you in the right direction!

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