Tips for Choosing a Domain Name for Your Bookkeeping Business

Your domain name (aka your website URL) is your online “street address.” It’s what people type in their web browser to find your business. It’s an important part of your online business that you want to get right on the first try. 

If you want to launch your bookkeeping website in the best way, you need a domain name that fits your brand and is easy for potential clients to remember. You don’t want to have any regrets after your website is launched! 

Here are a few ways to choose a perfect domain name based on my professional experience…

What you SHOULDN’T do

Do not use trademarks (even by accident!)

This is important because you should never forget to do this when you search for a new domain name. Any of the words you use can be trademarked in your business and result in a hefty lawsuit! 

While registering a domain with a trademark may be an honest mistake, this is a potential mess you want to avoid altogether. Check that your domain is free and legally up for grabs with non-registered trademarks!

Do not use hard-to-type names

If your domain is hard to spell, you can expect very few people to take the time to remember it.

For example,  let’s say you want to be a bookkeeper for architects. You could use the name “Vanessa’s Architect Bookkeeping.” Easy to remember, right?

But, for someone discovering this website, it can be hard to spell out on a phone or tablet. And imagine the super long email address this would make too!

To spare yourself and potential clients an unnecessary headache, keep your domain name short and easy to spell. 

What you SHOULD do

Keep it short (but memorable!)

If your domain name is long and hard to remember, you risk potential clients misspelling it. Keep your domain name short, simple, and easy to remember and spell. 

But, you also want to add a touch of personality that makes your website stand out. 

For example, one of my clients named their business Streamline Finances. It’s short, memorable – and adds a touch of personality! 

Protect your brand 

Your brand deserves the best protection possible. When registering your domain name, consider purchasing domain extensions; such as mistyped versions of your domain name.  

This prevents your competitors from registering other versions of your domain name. Also, your potential clients will always be redirected to your website – even if they misspell it! 

Act fast but smart 

With new virtual bookkeeping businesses launching every day, domain names sell like hotcakes. Luckily, many domain names are inexpensive to buy, so register your ideal domain name for your bookkeeping business sooner rather than later! 

If after you grab your domain name you’re looking to save time launching your website by outsourcing to an expert, here’s a solution to help you launch a successful website in a fraction of the time it would take on your own.

You’re a professional bookkeeper. You deserve to have a professional website. When you’re ready, let’s launch your’s next!

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