The Importance of WordPress Website Maintenance

Recently, I had a meeting with a bookkeeper who ran into an issue with her WordPress website after not logging into the backend for a few months.

Her WordPress plugins were no longer up-to-date so certain website features stopped working properly and a potential client let her know that a few links were broken.

The Problem

Together, we walked through how to grant admin access to the backend of her website so I could take a look and help sort things out. After logging in, I learned that the broken links brought to her attention were her main call-to-action links, the Contact button.

This left me to wonder,

1. How many leads and potential clients did she miss out on because of this broken link?

2. How long would this have gone unnoticed if a website visitor hadn’t brought this to her attention?

3. How many other bookkeepers are in the same situation without even realizing it?

The Solution

Luckily, I was able to resolve the broken contact button links the same day so she could resume generating leads from her website. After resolving the problem, I also shared information about how to prevent this from happening again.

How You Can Avoid A Similar Situation

To avoid a similar situation with your bookkeeping business website, I recommend investing in routine WordPress website maintenance.

There are a ton of DIY WordPress website courses floating around online but not many of them mention what can happen to a WordPress website that isn’t properly maintained. That’s why I put together this Website Maintenance Checklist to help you keep your WordPress website safe, up-to-date, and running smoothly.

Have any questions about maintaining your website? Post them in my Facebook community and I’ll help point you in the right direction!

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