How to market in Facebook groups

“How can I market in Facebook groups where I can’t promote?”

This is a question I get asked a lot, so here are three tips to help! 

1. Make sure your business page is connected to your FB profile so that if someone hovers over your name, they can see your business and check it out.

2. HELP, don’t sell. If you see someone asking a question and you can help, even if it has nothing to do with bookkeeping, help them with no ulterior motive. Once people see you as helpful, they will check you out (and your business if you have it on your profile).

3. ASK and LISTEN. Use Facebook groups where your dream clients hang out as research opportunities. Ask meaningful questions to learn more about them and read the answers so you can better understand the language they use and how they describe what they need, so you can use that same language in your marketing. Of course, this process is MUCH easier when you have a clearly defined niche, but it can work with local business groups too!

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