How to add a new WordPress user

Do you need professional help with your WordPress website and want to invite your website designer/developer to log into your account without sharing your login credentials?

If so, you’re in the right place!

In this article, I’ll be covering how to add a new WordPress user to your website account quickly and easily.

How to add a new user

  1. Log into your WordPress website dashboard. This is the backend of your website.
  2. Once you’re logged in, hover over the link Users on the lefthand navigation menu.
  3. From the Users dropdown menu, select Add New.
  4. From the Add New page, you will be able to invite a new user by creating a new username, entering a valid email address, generating a secure password, choosing a user role/level of access, and sending the new user notification about their new account, so they know that have access.
How to add Chatsoni Brooks as a new WordPress user.

Please note: Your website developer will need Administrative access to your account in most cases. This is the level of access I require from my clients.

Once your project is complete, you can easily remove their Administrative access by either changing their user role or deleting the user altogether.

I hope you found this information helpful!

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