How important is it to have a phone number and email on your website?

A common question many bookkeepers have when building their website is how important it is to have a phone number and email on their website.

As someone who has helped quite a few bookkeepers with their websites, I say the answer to this question depends on how you prefer to do business.

Personally, I don’t accept unscheduled calls and take consultations by appointment only (stay-at-home mom of toddlers life) so I don’t have my number listed.

There’s no right or wrong way it really just depends on your personality and how you want to run your business.

If you’re an introvert or have a busy schedule

If you’re an introvert like me or have a busy schedule, you probably prefer potential clients to schedule a consultation or send you an email rather than call you on the phone. In this case, below are two alternatives I recommend.

Use an appointment calendar

Using an appointment calendar like Dubsado, Calendly, or Acuity with an attached contact form is a great solution.

This gives you freedom and flexibility since you aren’t required to be “on call” and gives you the ability to gather info and prepare for your meetings.

Need help adding your appointment calendar to your website? Check out this article.

Let your calls go to voicemail

If you do decide to list your phone number, you can always let your calls go to voicemail and use it to provide instructions on how to get in touch with you.

This is my voicemail greeting as an example:

“Hi, this is (my name) thank you so much for reaching out. I’m available by appointment only so I’m unable to take your call right now.

For a quick response, you can email me at (my email) to schedule a consultation or leave a message with your name, company name, and number and I will get back to you within 48 hours.

Thank you and have a blessed day.”

If you’re an extrovert or have an open availability

Having a number listed makes it easier for prospects to get in touch with you and this is important if your main goal is to get more calls and don’t mind them being unscheduled.

This can be a great way to stand out from introverted bookkeepers but can be pretty overwhelming if you expect to get a lot of calls since you won’t be able to plan things out or prepare in advance.

Similarly, having your email listed is another way to make it easier for people to get in touch with you since it’s quicker than submitting a form. However, this increases your chances of getting SPAM and solicitation emails.

Next steps

Hopefully, you find this information helpful in making an informed decision on whether or not you want to list your phone number and email address on your website.

Do you have your number listed on your website? Why or why not? Let me know about it in my Facebook community. I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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